Getting started

You may send and receive SMS messages using SMPP. Generic uses SMPP v3.4, please visit for general specifications. Details about our specific implementation follows.

In order to use our SMPP API you need to have an account with SMPP enabled, please get in touch with our friendly support team or your sales contact and you'll be up and running in no time!

Phone: 020-31 00 41
International: +46 86016666

Messages sent and received with SMPP will be visible in the SMS Web portal.


Port: 2775
SystemId: Your username
Password: and password.

Please let us know when we setup your account if you'd like TLS (encrypted connection) enabled.

We recommend two binds and a maximum of 10 messages/bind. If you need higher throughput, please reach out to your sales contact.
Recommended window size is between 7 and 10.

When performing updates to our servers your TCP connection may go down. Your client should simply reconnect to end up on a redundant server and avoid down time. Please don't send ENQUIRE_LINK more often than every 10 seconds.

SMPP Outbound

Message ID

You'll get a UUID/GUID as the MessageID for every successful SubmitSM. Eg. de9dc248-d91c-42c4-979d-81dee0db1ea5.

Source Address

A phone number (MSISDN) should be given in international format (leading + sign is optional). Max length is 18. An alphanumeric sender may contain A-Ö, a-ö, 0-9 or any of the special characters "#%&'()*+-./?, max 11 characters. However, some operators are not able to handle Swedish characters and because of that we recommend you to only use A-Z, a-z, 0-9.

Sender TON (Type of Number) NPI (Numbering Plan Identification)
+46707659443 1: International 1: Telephone number (E163/164)
0046707659443 1: International 1: Telephone number (E163/164)
46707659443 1: International 1: Telephone number (E163/164)
Generic 5: Alphanumeric 0: Unknown

Destination Address

Receiver TON (Type of Number) NPI (Numbering Plan Identification)
+46707659443 1: International 1: Telephone number (E163/164)
0046707659443 1: International 1: Telephone number (E163/164)

DCS (Data Coding Scheme)

Max message length for a GSM 7 bit message is 160 characters, if longer you'd need to split it into segments of max 153 characters (accounting for the UDH).
Max length for UCS2 is 70 characters, 67 if split into segments.
Some operators/handsets can't handle Windows newlines (\r\n), we recommend using only Unix style (\n).

Supported DCS:

DCS (decimal) Character Set Message Class
0 GSM 7 bit Default
1 GSM 7 bit (IA5) Default
3 Latin-9 (ISO-8859-15) Default
8 UCS2 Default
16 GSM 7 bit Class 0 (Flash message)
17 GSM 7 bit Class 1
18 GSM 7 bit Class 2
24 UCS2 Class 0 (Flash message)
25 UCS2 Class 1
26 UCS2 Class 2
240 GSM 7 bit Class 0 (Flash message)
241 GSM 7 bit Class 1
242 GSM 7 bit Class 2

GSM 03.38 character set

Each character is encoded to 7 bits (0x00..0x7F)

0x 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x
x0 @ Δ SP 0 ¡ P ¿ p
x1 £ _ ! 1 A Q a q
x2 $ Φ " 2 B R b r
x3 ¥ Γ # 3 C S c s
x4 è Λ ¤ 4 D T d t
x5 é Ω % 5 E U e u
x6 ù Π & 6 F V f v
x7 ì Ψ ' 7 G W g w
x8 ò Σ ( 8 H X h x
x9 Ç Θ ) 9 I Y i y
xA LF Ξ * : J Z j z
xB Ø ESC + ; K Ä k ä
xC ø Æ , < L Ö l ö
xD CR æ - = M Ñ m ñ
xE Å ß . > N Ü n ü
xF å É / ? O § o à

UDH (User Data Header)

Only used to indicate if it's a concatinated message and what reference number the message parts should group on. Supported IEI (Information Element Identifier) shown below.

IEI Length Description
0 3 Concatenated short message, 8-bit reference number.
1 4 Concatenated short message, 16-bit reference number.


Supported SMPP PDUs Description
BIND / UNBIND All bind modes are supported; ESME Transmitter, Receiver, Transceiver.
ENQUIRE_LINK / ENQUIRE_LINK_RESP Issued from SMSC if connection is idle for 60 seconds. May be issued from ESME as well.
SUBMIT_SM Issued by the ESME to submit a Short Message to the SMSC.
DELIVER_SM_RESP Issued by the SMSC to send a message to an ESME, a special account setup is required.